Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Panties: Cotton vs. Nylon

If you're like me, you probably like your silky panties.  I have been underdressing for several years now, and have been wearing my favorite nylon panties for years.  Most of the time they're great, but the one time I do notice them is on hot days.

You know the days: when you're out in the heat or working on something a little strenuous.  It's at those times that I've learned that my nylon panties aren't the best.  They hold in heat, and when I get home and want to feel sexy, I have the unsexy feeling of nylon clinging to my butt.

Most of the time, it's as simple as putting on a new pair of panties (I have many, many, many pairs of panties, so that's no problem : ) but sometimes when going out into the heat, I just go with a pair of cotton panties.

Cotton hasn't always been my favorite, but I've learned to appreciate it.  Women's cotton is different than men's.  It's like a soft hug, or a comfortable pillow, and is actually a nice feeling.  The only drawback is that there just isn't that silky feel.  But cotton isn't for sexiness, it's for comfort, and just feeling comfortable like a woman would is a subtle sexiness in itself.  I've learned to appreciate cotton panties; however, nylon is still my preferred panty for most occasions.  Sometimes, though, for a hot summer outing, I now find myself, at times, grabbing a fresh pair of cotton panties when I'm going out in the sun.

Still, I guess I can just avoid all that nasty sweating, and just stay cool and clean like a pretty girl, and stay in my nylon panties.  Who need to do all that sweating anyway?  But it can't hurt to have a few pairs of cotton panties on standby just in case.  Now, I'm just going to have to find something a little girly, maybe with some little flowers on them and a bow at the top...yes cotton panties, like the kind I should have worn as a little girl.

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