Saturday, August 4, 2012

Stepping Out: After the First Time

After the first official time I left the house in a dress - when I drove around for a bit, and the world didn't come to an end - I gained a little more confidence in this exciting choice of what I could do in a day.  I realized that there was a whole world outside that door, and I could be out in that world in panties and a dress like I truly desired.  I tingled at the thought.  Still, the act of doing it was a bit intimidating, but I knew after that first time that I stepped outside, that I wanted to try it again.

A few nights after my first official outing, I decided that this time I was going to get out of my car and walk around for my next adventure.  Now that I think about it, this was a pretty bold move for an amateur, but bold moves have sometimes been part of my forte. 

It was late, probably about 2:00 AM, and I drove down to the area by the casino.  Taking a deep breath, I opened the car door and stepped out in my dress, holding my purse.

It was a weird feeling.  Here I was in the middle of the world wearing nothing but women's clothing, and standing in the street in the middle of the night dressed like I truly wished I could be.  It was a dangerous feeling since I was out in the world in nothing but a thin dress covering my male identity.  In another way, everything else still felt the same. I was the same person, and the casino area was just like it always was.  The only difference was that I was out in the night wearing nothing but a dress and panties.

I walked up the sidewalk past the entrance to the hotel.  Some workers there looked at me.  Did they know?  I couldn’t tell.  I just kept my concentration on walking in my heels, and pretended to look the other way.

I walked the sidewalk loop leading past the casino, and contemplated going inside, but suddenly lost my nerve when a group of people came out laughing, so I just completed the circuit and went back to my car.  That was my adventure for the night, and it was thrilling to feel my dress against my skin in the cool night air, and I was walking around being pretty for all of the world (or at least a tiny bit) to see.  I had actually done it.  I went outside and walked around dressed as a girl!

The next night I repeated my steps, and plucked up the courage to walk into the casino, or at least the area outside of the gaming area with the bars, restaurants, shops.  It was dead since it was so late, but there were surprisingly a few people around.  Some were workers, some were patrons having a few drinks or walking around.  Many of them looked at the girl in the pretty dress walking by in her heels, but I couldn't tell if they knew or not.  I passed up about ten people, then satisfied, walked out of the casino, back to the safety of my car.

It was more of a challenge than a thrill the second time, kind of me willing myself to actually do it.  I was a little tight inside, and I wasn't thinking with a female mindset and enjoying the moment fully.  That made it a bit of a chore instead of a moment where I felt free and feminine.  The whole time, my male mind was on alert saying, "Okay, we're going to walk in.  Keep your shoulders back, walk like a girl.  If anybody says anything, here are my three options..." and that made me feel more like I was costuming than expressing femininity.

Still, it was good to challenge myself and actually do it.  I had gone inside and walked around in a dress!  The feeling sunk in a little more when I returned home.

After that, I began to think of some new challenges and adventures.  I wanted go to the park during the day, go to a store at night, go to the mall.  The thoughts tingled inside me as a whole world of possibilities began to open up to me.  The future new seemed more exciting than I ever imagined.

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