Saturday, August 11, 2012

Stepping Out: After the First Time (Part 3: Going to the Mall)

In my last Stepping Out adventure that I wrote about, I plucked up the courage to go into a store on a busy Saturday afternoon.  I think the dress I wore in daylight fit my male form well.  It had short sleeves which hid my skinny, but still somewhat masculine shoulders, and the front of the dress was high enough to cover my chest.  As always, my long wig helped to hide some of my face.  Of course, I didn't know that my choice of outfit would make such a difference in my ability to pass as a woman.  I learned that lesson in a latter adventure, but more about that later.

Encouraged by by daylight experience, my next adventure was to go to the mall.  This was a big step, but after my trip to the store, I had some confidence that it wouldn't be bad.  This time, I wore a girls' white tee, a short but sweet juniors' skirt, and some three inch heels.  Of course my legs were shaved and both sets of nails were done.

Arriving at the mall, I knew that I just wanted to go to Macy's, and perhaps if I had the courage I would actually step out into the mall.  I entered Macy's through the parking garage because it was less crowded.  Right away, I ran into two sets of teens.  One was a set of girls walking out.  Pretending that nothing was amiss, I walked right by them.  They didn't even look at me.  The next was a rowdy group of about six teens walking in with me.  I had always heard that teens were the bane of crossdressers, and I cringed a little as we merged by the stairs, but they didn't seem to notice me either.  Still, just to be safe, I walked a little slower and let them get ahead.

Once inside Macy's, and the small fear had passed, I had that same thrill as when I was in the previous store the day before.  Here I was, in the middle of the mall in nothing but women's clothing - me - in the mall, in a skirt, panties and a bra.  Once again, I walked by several women, and none seemed to even notice me.  I know I would have gotten a weird look if they knew, but I got nothing back from them except two strangers passing.

That made me feel good, and my anxiety began to drop.  I rid myself of the tension, and told myself, "Enjoy this.  Don't treat it like you're getting a tooth pulled."  It was in that moment, that I seemed to take a metaphorical breath.  Everything seemed calm, the night was calm, and I could hear the music was playing overhead.  Walking through all the areas I began discovering all the different clothes that were available to me.  My painted nails felt so pretty, and I felt feminine picking up the clothing on the hangers with my pretty nails.  I suddenly realized that if everyone thought I was a girl, there was no shame in acting like one.  My gestures became more naturally feminine, my walk, my hands, my face.  I was on a cloud feeling pretty and feminine, doing what I actually wanted to do in life.  It was great.

I walked by the entrance to the mall, and it seemed tantalizing, but going out there would be like jumping from a pond into the ocean.  I would have to save that for another time.

Still, I was on such a high that I didn't want the night to end, so I hopped in the car and went to a nearby shoe warehouse...

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